
Let's look at the structure of content i've been posting so far:

1/3 Introduction
1/3 Animals 
1/3 Rants

Hmm... not enough rants i'm thinking.

The Yeast from the Prie

The Beast from the East 

It is cold.

Very cold.

Here in The United Of Kingdom we are accustomed to cold weather that isn't actually that cold. When it IS very cold, as it has been when The Beast hit us, we stay at home next to a fire with tea and biscuits and tell ourselves how hardy we are for enduring the plummeting temperatures. I did not get to drink any warm beverages or delicious breaded snacks and instead was shoved out into the snow to endure more horrible train expieriences.


Ok, it's not just going to be about trains. I  have other stuff to talk about. Let's start with trains though...

A Truly Epic Journey

Settle in, it's going to be a long one. So, it's an average weekday and i'm starting my commute towards a mystery place of mystery that i always go to on weekdays. Most people do that, but it isn't quite as mysterious. Eat it, most people. My usual train, however, was cancelled due to heavy and my backup route was close too for the same reason. Oh boy. I simply was forced to wait for the next train. I then recieved a lovely notice that t h e  n e x t  t r a in  w a s  d e l a y e d  b y  2 0  m i n u t e s so it took me even longer to get going. The train then tried to make up for lost time (Yay) by skipping several stations - including mine - entirely (Oh). I had to get off and wait for another train in the freezing cold. And I mean freezing.

I was fine for the first 5 minutes or so. But, after a while, the hypothermia started to set in. As the cold drove onwards with time, it started eating through my protective layers to the point where i couldn't feel my hands. I looked around at the barren wilderness. Just the empty platform, several kiosks  and nothing much else. I was so alone. The wind wasn't my only friend though, as there was that one dude with me who i kept making eye contact with awkwardly. We developed a truly strong bond on that platform, bring the cold together. Besides, me and the HCW (Horrid Cold Wind) Don't get along very well. He nicked my packet of crisps once, i never forgave him.

Time started to become shapeless. I said to my comrades (okay, i had no comrades):

"I'm going for a walk, i may be some time."


"I need to check the announcement board."


"Th... that's why i'm going for a walk."

Eventually, i got on the train, but not after it was delayed just a little bit more to bring me a few extra minutes of utter whackspaggeting misery. I guess the moral of this story is to just give up if too many of your trains are cancelled.


If you search for snow on Pexels, little 
snowflakes will float across the screen.

On a more positive note, there's been snow for the first time in ages, which has been lovely. Walking home in properly t h i c c snow is a luxury i'm not very accustomed to. It's fun, too, to pelt snowballs at one's mates and laugh at their suffering as the cold, icy heart of the Frozen North enters and destroys their soul slowly and agonizingly have them thrown back. Have YOU, dear reader, been enjoying the snow?

The usual Interaction stuff + some side notes

Note: I think I'm going to be tackling a bigger topic next week. May change, but there you go.

Other less important note that nobody likes: Thank you all people have given me feedback personally. I will take into account what you have said. 

Interdimensional toasteraction:

1. Has the humour been up to standard this week? I feel like this one isn't as funny as the others - maybe a bit too much cross-out humour. Heh, it's like gross-out humour but with a 'c'. i'm clever. I'm not really.

2. There are still quite a few questions on other entries that haven't been answered. Go back and answer to your hearts content!

3. As usual, stand in profanity is always nice to have more of.



  1. Nobody submitted anything to the joke awards, so nobody wins this week.

  2. What happens if you stack 76 microwaves on top of each other and blow them up?
    you get 76 blown up microwaves


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