Quickie McUpdate

Well hi.

It's been a little while.

Sorry I missed a week again, but at the moment I'm having issues with motivation. I'm going a way for a while so I'll take a break from writing which should give me my motivation back :D and also give me some interesting things to write about, which has been the other main issue.

If I get demotivated in future, I just won't write again. The way you can stop this is by showing activity (Dear God, I hate people who were always asking for activity on social media but there we go) because it shows me that people care if I stop writing and love my stuff so I will feel like writing more because people are enjoying my content.

So see you in about 2 weeks when I will be back! :)

This post felt hella edgy for some reason.



  1. Last "week's" comment award:

    I received no entries last "week".

    :( Enter guys


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