
Showing posts from April, 2018
Star Wars and The Hidden Fortress: A Comparison Yes, it's that time of the week already. I'm back! This week I'll be talking about the film that inspired Star Wars and drawing up parallels between the two. You could probably tell that from the title. Anyhow, I found this really interesting and hopefully you will too! I always give a disclaimer that my blogging is really long, but this one's a bleedin' essay. You better have a lot of time on your hands. So what is this Hidden Fortress thing anyway? The Hidden Fortress is a film directed by Akira Kurosawa, a director famed works like Seven Samurai, which is heralded as one of cinema's great masterpieces. It's also next on my list because admittedly I'm yet to see it.  VERY MILD SPOILER WARNING AHEAD! The film itself follows the misadventures of Matishichi and Tahei, who are two farmers (Or 'bedraggled peasants' as the Wikipedia article somewhat unflatteringly describes them. Wikip
Aye guys I don't know what to write here.  What I'll talk about! So people did actually vote last time! Woo! It was a split of 1/1 so I'm going with the one that got in first. This is my experience of Bristol! I'm a travel blogger now! Yeesh there's something I never expected to say, I can't believe I'm actually doing this. Settle in, this is a long one. Like REALLY long.  It's definitely nicer than Tooting station As some may know, over Easter I went to Bristol. It is a place where things are. What are said things? These are said things. Do you know what the last 3 sentences had in common? They all contained the word things... don't know where I'm going with this... Day one I went on a train. It wasn't from Tooting station. Then I was in Bristol. Magic. After checking into the hotel the first thing I did was visit the Cathedral nearby. It was lovely. It's unique feature was some stained glass art dedicated to th
DexterWhy on 4/9/18 Hullo it's me DexterWhen. After taking a break I have returned. I have some things to talk about. Yay. Things Thing one: I need to fix my 'k' key. It only works half of the time. This is annoying and i can only cover it up with thicc memes so many times. Thing dos: I hope you guys are enjoying your Easter. If not then get out there and eat some chocolate. Thing trois: It's not a Friday shhh you heard and saw nothing. Thing vier: I have gathered some good things to talk about over the past week. Here's what you can expect from DexterWhat in spring (Pfft, 'spring'. It feels like it hasn't been sunny since 1684): Film reviews. How Bristol is definitely much nicer than Tooting station. Unimportant filler hello. The Sandwich Olympics, (Sand)which probably won't work. Why it's fun to give days names like Trevor. Vote in the comments what you want to see first! If nobody votes, and i'm guessing that will b