
Showing posts from February, 2018
What is soup my fellow Interdimensional Toasters C'est moi! Dexfrance! Back with another long rant! YOU'RE WELCOME! The 7 wonders of Tooting Station Hey hey, it looks like i actually kept my promise of  writing twice this week. Truth be told, i'm actually starting to enjoy writing on here. Whilst I think about the humour for this post and pull up Pexels, you can begin to guess the theme for this post. Oh wait, i already put it in the title. So here we are, THE 7 WONDEROUS WONDERS OF TOOTING STATION! People who know me will also know how much i like to go on about how my time at Tooting Station is not exactly the highlight of my week. They know because i talk about it. A lot. So, what exactly are the fatal attractions that draw people from all over the... nearby area to this place of magic and fulfilment? In Ascending order: 7. The fox urine. When one puts one's bag on top of the salt grit thing that you aren't meant to sit on but everyone sits on anyway
Hallo again normies... It's me! Dexter! You thought i wasn't coming back but here i am! Sucks for you, you have to listen to me talk again! HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAGNNJ N JDK *Cough*. Ok, i know this post is very late so to make up for that i will be posting twice this week. The other will be on Friday and then posts will be every Friday after that. Got it? Cool. Moving onto the good stuff, i want to talk about something, this being a minor epiphany i had the other day. So, here it is: My favourite animal (Yes, that i how i'm spelling favourite and i'm not changing it) The other day i decided i needed a new favourite animal. For a while it was the dragonfly but then changed to the cat as i buckled under the pressure of social conformity and unoriginality and basically just being on the internet for too long. I decided this was really boring and that cats probably weren't my favourite animal after all. But then it struck me. Was it a tu

Hoi, i'm Dexter

Well hello there my good friend; I'm Dexter. The reason i'm writing this is because someone convinced me that i should become a blogger and write about 'my writing',. Yeah. Yeeeeaaaaaah. Really. Anyway, i know absolutely nothing about blogging and i'm about to go and write a blog so let's just play things on the wing here. How to introduce myself? Well, i once saw somebody writing a blog for a website called 'I can't put a name here because blogging sites don't like people mentioning other blogging sites' because people were being made to set up accounts. Nobody ever wrote anything on the site ever again. That aside, this is what she wrote: "Just before I start this i want you to know that i'm not weird or crazy or anything. I'm not an alien mushroom from the planet bleeble, just a normal person." I, however, make no suggestions that I am not an alien mushroom from the planet beeble. Yep. That's how it'